Thursday, February 2, 2006

Gene Ha auctions FF cover for good cause

2005's Marvel FF Wedding Special's cover by Gene Ha, (coincidentally, a book I lettered this summer for Tom Brevoort) is up for auction at eBay. [Newsarama link]

Gene's raising a nest egg for his late friend's daughter, so bid often and bid high. Auction ends February 7th! [eBay link]

If the current $660 bid is too high, but you still want to help, Gene says:

Several people have asked how to donate to Brianna's educational trust without bidding. I've now set up a PayPal link: [ link]

Or, checks for the "Brianna Winston College Plan" can be sent to:

Chase Bank
c/o Charles Mack
211 W. Washington Street
South Bend, IN 46601
RE: Brianna Winston College Plan

Again, thank you! When I created the auction, I had no idea how many people would be willing to help out of sheer goodness. I love the comics geek world.

Gene Ha



  1. It is great when creators put in for a cause. There is a lot of good the industry/creators can do and are doing.

  2. How are you doing, Dave? Well... I hope everything is going well with you. I haven't hear from you for a while. I was just in the internet and I decided to look for you after a few minutes of surfing, I came a cross this web-site. Well... let me know how are you doing and how are things in Florida.

  3. Barry was the best and brianna is too ;) I miss him still! Aloha from hawaii
